:py:mod:`KinMS_testsuite` ========================= .. py:module:: KinMS_testsuite .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Copyright (C) 2019, Timothy A. Davis, Nikki Zabel, James M. Dawson E-mail: DavisT -at- cardiff.ac.uk, zabelnj -at- cardiff.ac.uk, dawsonj5 -at- cardiff.ac.uk Updated versions of the software are available through github: https://github.com/TimothyADavis/KinMSpy If you have found this software useful for your research, I would appreciate an acknowledgment to the use of the "KINematic Molecular Simulation (KinMS) routines of Davis et al., (2013)". [MNRAS, Volume 429, Issue 1, p.534-555] This software is provided as is without any warranty whatsoever. For details of permissions granted please see LICENCE.md Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: KinMS_testsuite.internet KinMS_testsuite.expdisk KinMS_testsuite.expdisk_gasgrav KinMS_testsuite.ngc4324 KinMS_testsuite.use_inclouds KinMS_testsuite.inclouds_spiral KinMS_testsuite.infits KinMS_testsuite.veldisp KinMS_testsuite.diskthick KinMS_testsuite.warp KinMS_testsuite.retclouds KinMS_testsuite.run_tests .. py:function:: internet(host='', port=53, timeout=3) Host: (google-public-dns-a.google.com) OpenPort: 53/tcp Service: domain (DNS/TCP) .. py:function:: expdisk(scalerad=10, inc=60, fileName=None) A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to create a simulation of an exponential disk of molecular gas. The user can input values for the scalerad and inc variables, and the procedure will the create the simulation and display it to screen. :param scalerad: Scale radius for the exponential disk (in arcseconds) :param inc: Inclination to project the disk (in degrees) :return: N/A .. py:function:: expdisk_gasgrav(scalerad=5, inc=45, gasmass=10000000000.0, distance=16.5) A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to create a simulation of an exponential disk of molecular gas, including the effect of the potential of the gas on its own rotation. The user can input values for the scalerad and inc variables, and the procedure will the create the simulation and display it to screen. :param scalerad: Scale radius for the exponential disk (in arcseconds) :param inc: Inclination to project the disk (in degrees) :param gasmass: Total mass of the gas (in solar masses) :param distance: Distance to the galaxy (in Mpc) :return: N/A .. py:function:: ngc4324() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure makes a basic simulation of the molecular gas ring in NGC4324, and plots the simulation moment zero, one and PVD against the observed ones from the CARMA observations of Alatalo et al., 2012. :return: N/A .. py:function:: use_inclouds() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to use the "inclouds" parameter set to create simulations, in this case of a very unrealistic object. Once you understand this example then see the "infits" and "inclouds spiral" test for more realistic examples. :return: N/A .. py:function:: inclouds_spiral() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to use the "inclouds" parameter set to create simulations, in this case of molecular gas in a two armed spiral pattern. Any default parameters can be changed by specifying them at the command line (see KinMS.pro or the full details of all the available parameters). :return: N/A .. py:function:: infits() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to use an input FITS image to create a simulation of what the molecular gas may look like, with a given instrument (in this case CARMA). We use a GALEX (Morrissey et al., 2007) FUV image of NGC1437A, and scale it assuming the FUV emission comes from star-formation and thus molecular gas, and that the galaxy has a total integrated CO flux of 30 Jy km/s. We use the FITS image to set the surface-brightness, and impose a flat velocity gradient. :return: N/A .. py:function:: veldisp() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to create a simulation of an exponential disk of molecular gas with a velocity dispersion that varies with radius. :return: N/A .. py:function:: diskthick() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to create a simulation of an exponential disk of molecular gas with a thickness that varies with radius. Any default parameters can be changed by specifying them at the command line (see KinMS.pro for the full details of all the available parameters). :return: N/A .. py:function:: warp() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to create a simulation of a warped exponential disk of molecular gas. :return: N/A .. py:function:: retclouds() A test procedure to demonstrate the KinMS code, and check if it works on your system. This procedure demonstrates how to use the return clouds feature to recursivly build models - here a misaligned central and outer disc. :return: N/A .. py:function:: run_tests()