:py:mod:`kinms_fitter.transformClouds` ====================================== .. py:module:: kinms_fitter.transformClouds Module Contents --------------- Functions ~~~~~~~~~ .. autoapisummary:: kinms_fitter.transformClouds.transformClouds .. py:function:: transformClouds(inclouds, posAng=90.0, inc=0.0, cent=[0.0, 0.0], sbRad=None) Transforms skySampler cloudlets for use in KinMS. Calculate the galaxy co-ordinates of clouds from the sky plane. This MUST be used if any of the following conditions are true: inc != 0 posAng != 90 cent != [0,0] This exists as a stand-alone routine since an MCMC fit to the galaxy will likely need to run this every step, and the sampleClouds routine is computationally expensive ============ Inputs: clouds: np.ndarray The output of the sampleClouds array [x,y,I] posAng: 0=