
Module Contents



Circular velocity curves from physical and arbitary models that can be combined together.

class kinms_fitter.velocity_profs.velocity_profs

Circular velocity curves from physical and arbitary models that can be combined together.

class tilted_rings(bincentroids, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Arbitary velocity profile using the tilted ring formalism.

bincentroids: ndarray of float

Radii at which to constrain the profile. Linearly interpolated between these points.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Size of bincentroids, units of km/s.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameters.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameters.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameters (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameters. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = All False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, args, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class keplarian(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Keplarian velocity profile for a point mass at r=0.

distance: ndarray of float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. One element log10 of the central mass (in Msun).

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, args, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class mge_vcirc(surf, sigma, qobs, distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Evaulate an MGE model of the potential, with or without a central point mass.

surfndarray of float

Luminosity of each gaussian component, units of Lsun.

sigmandarray of float

Width of each gaussian, units of arcsec.

qobsndarray of float

Axial ratio of each gaussian.

distance: ndarray of float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. One or two elements [M/L and optionally log10_CentralMass in Msun].

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, args, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class arctan(guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Arctangent velocity profile.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Vmax and Rturn in units of km/s and arcseconds.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, args, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class radial_barflow(guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Radial barflow from Spekkens+Sellwood.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Vtangential, Vradial, BarRadius and BarPA in units of km/s, km/s, arcsec, degrees.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, args, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class sersic(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Velocity curve arising from a sersic mass distribution (spherically symmetric).

distance: float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Total mass, effective radius and sersic index. Units of log10(Msun), arcsec and unitless.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]

mass(r, theargs, norm=1)

Return repr(self).

__call__(x, theargs, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class bulge_disc(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Velocity curve arising from a combination of a n=4 and n=1 sersic mass distributions (spherically symmetric).

distance: float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Total mass, effective radius and sersic index. Units of log10(Msun), arcsec and unitless.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(x, theargs, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class nfw(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None, hubbleconst=68.0)

Velocity curve arising from an NFW halo.

distance: float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. M200 and concentration. Units of log10(Msun) and unitless.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(xs, theargs, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

class exponential_disc(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)

Velocity curve arising from a razor thin exponential disc. Based on eqn 8.74 in “Dynamics and Astrophysics of Galaxies” by Bovy.

distance: float

Distance to the object in Mpc.

guessesndarray of float

Initial guesses. Mdisk and Scaleradius. Units of log10(Msun) and arcsec.

minimumsndarray of float

Minimums for the given parameter.

maximumsndarray of float

Maximums for the given parameter.

priorsndarray of objects

Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).

precisionsndarray of float

Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]

fixed: ndarray of bool

Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]


Return repr(self).

__call__(xs, theargs, **kwargs)

Returns the required profile.

xndarray of float

Input radial array in arcseconds

argsndarray of float

Input arguments to evalue the profile with

eval(r, params, inc=90)

Evaluates a list of velocity_profs objects, returning the total circular velocity profile.

modellistlist of objects

List of sb_prof objects, or objects that have the same methods/inputs.

r: ndarray of floats

Radius array, units of arcseconds.

params: ndarray of floats

Parameters to use in each model in the list.

inc: float

Inclination of system, in degrees.