Module Contents¶
Circular velocity curves from physical and arbitary models that can be combined together. |
- class kinms_fitter.velocity_profs.velocity_profs¶
Circular velocity curves from physical and arbitary models that can be combined together.
- class tilted_rings(bincentroids, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Arbitary velocity profile using the tilted ring formalism.
- bincentroids: ndarray of float
Radii at which to constrain the profile. Linearly interpolated between these points.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Size of bincentroids, units of km/s.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameters.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameters.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameters (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameters. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = All False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, args, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class keplarian(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Keplarian velocity profile for a point mass at r=0.
- distance: ndarray of float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. One element log10 of the central mass (in Msun).
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, args, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class mge_vcirc(surf, sigma, qobs, distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Evaulate an MGE model of the potential, with or without a central point mass.
- surfndarray of float
Luminosity of each gaussian component, units of Lsun.
- sigmandarray of float
Width of each gaussian, units of arcsec.
- qobsndarray of float
Axial ratio of each gaussian.
- distance: ndarray of float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. One or two elements [M/L and optionally log10_CentralMass in Msun].
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, args, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class arctan(guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Arctangent velocity profile.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Vmax and Rturn in units of km/s and arcseconds.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, args, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class radial_barflow(guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Radial barflow from Spekkens+Sellwood.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Vtangential, Vradial, BarRadius and BarPA in units of km/s, km/s, arcsec, degrees.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, args, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class sersic(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Velocity curve arising from a sersic mass distribution (spherically symmetric).
- distance: float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Total mass, effective radius and sersic index. Units of log10(Msun), arcsec and unitless.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- mass(r, theargs, norm=1)¶
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, theargs, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class bulge_disc(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Velocity curve arising from a combination of a n=4 and n=1 sersic mass distributions (spherically symmetric).
- distance: float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Total mass, effective radius and sersic index. Units of log10(Msun), arcsec and unitless.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(x, theargs, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class nfw(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None, hubbleconst=68.0)¶
Velocity curve arising from an NFW halo.
- distance: float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. M200 and concentration. Units of log10(Msun) and unitless.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(xs, theargs, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- class exponential_disc(distance, guesses, minimums, maximums, priors=None, precisions=None, fixed=None)¶
Velocity curve arising from a razor thin exponential disc. Based on eqn 8.74 in “Dynamics and Astrophysics of Galaxies” by Bovy.
- distance: float
Distance to the object in Mpc.
- guessesndarray of float
Initial guesses. Mdisk and Scaleradius. Units of log10(Msun) and arcsec.
- minimumsndarray of float
Minimums for the given parameter.
- maximumsndarray of float
Maximums for the given parameter.
- priorsndarray of objects
Optional- Priors for the given parameter (see GAStimator priors).
- precisionsndarray of float
Optional - Precision you want to reach for the given parameter. [Default = 10 percent of range]
- fixed: ndarray of bool
Optional - Fix this parameter to the input value in guesses. [Default = False]
- __repr__()¶
Return repr(self).
- __call__(xs, theargs, **kwargs)¶
Returns the required profile.
- xndarray of float
Input radial array in arcseconds
- argsndarray of float
Input arguments to evalue the profile with
- eval(r, params, inc=90)¶
Evaluates a list of velocity_profs objects, returning the total circular velocity profile.
- modellistlist of objects
List of sb_prof objects, or objects that have the same methods/inputs.
- r: ndarray of floats
Radius array, units of arcseconds.
- params: ndarray of floats
Parameters to use in each model in the list.
- inc: float
Inclination of system, in degrees.